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To make a difference in our community by getting involved.  A place where the “Word Comes First”. To enable  and support individuls  and  families to become focused and rooted in the Word of God and prayer, whose love for Christ and for one another overflows in joyful sharing of the gospel with all people.


Making Christ visible in communities, through the spiritual and practical work of the church. 




To endeavour to meet the needs and be involved in the community, build meaningful partnerships, promote social cohesion and make a difference.


We believe that he has called us to the following priorities at this time and in this place:


  • Community - We believe that relationship with God brings about new family relationships between Christian believers. In a world of broken relationships and fractured communities, we desire to demonstrate the truth of the gospel by our care for one another. The changing population provides us with a challenge, but we seek by God's grace to become a loving community where both long-term members and those who are passing through for a shorter time are encouraged and strengthened as Christians. We want each member of the body, of whatever age or life-situation, to be valued and to use the gifts that God has given them to build up the body. 

  • Teaching and learning - We want to see Jesus exalted through biblical teaching and preaching that declares his Lordship over all of life. We acknowledge our own need to grow in godliness, so we are committed to learning regularly from the Word of God as a community, in order that he would transform us by his Spirit. We want to apply what God teaches us in practical daily living and active concern for the society and world in which he has placed us, becoming 'doers of the Word ' and not hearers only. We are also committed to providing biblical teaching for the children and young people and the church family. 

  • Prayer - We believe that in prayer we enjoy the relationship with God that Christ has won for us, and express our dependence on God. Prayer is foundational to all that we undertake in God's service as God's servants. We therefore seek to be a praying community whose members are supported by intercessions that also embrace the needs of the church worldwide, our nation and the world. We want the habits of prayer and worship to be central to every aspect of our life. 

  • Evangelism and mission - We believe that God is glorified when the gospel is faithfully communicated, and that it is through the gospel that God's Spirit awakens faith. We therefore want to be equipped and active in sharing the gospel with our friends and neighbours. We want to be good stewards of the gospel.  We also desire that God would rise up people to take the gospel to others in our local area, throughout the UK and overseas as the Lord wills. We desire to support these men and women through our prayers, practical care and financial giving. 

We are a community of people who are committed to following Jesus Christ, and we believe that a right relationship with God is possible only through him. We believe that the bible is God's written word and is our rule of faith, government, practice and discipline. This is identified in our Principles of belief.  Our mission is to reach out to people of every ilk in society.  Sharing the message of Good News and hope. To focus and proclaim make known truth and the right. To acknowledge our Creator and author of our salvation.




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